Today we went shopping with all the ladies after lunch. That was interesting. There was SO much to look at and take pictures of and there was a lot of vigilance needed to be certain that no one got lost. They have their little Indian phones but they clearly do not pay attention to them. At the end of the day three women accidentally got into a rick that was not part of our team and we nearly had a heart attack hoping they made it back since they were not answering their phone. That could have gone many ways but fortunately it went perfectly! They were back at Riverside when we returned.
I had Frances' camera and took a lot of photographs. The colors. The bustle. It got overwhelming after a few hours. I bought two pairs of shoes (not the elf kind) I found a piece of brass, some little silk screens and a belt. I am really looking forward to going to Juna Bazaar tomorrow. I am going to get saris to make things from. I am exhausted from just taking it all in and keeping an eye on all the coming and going.
Early day tomorrow!
This one is always on the terrace in the morning.
They are everywhere and i love hearing the hawk shriek (icy cove view)
Sweet little girls running up to get a ten note from Deborah
Our crew of Rickshaw drivers led by Mr. Shak
This man was taking so much care setting up his market stall
Street dog pups
A very small portion of the market
Beautiful Deborah
These girls asked for me to take their picture
one of them was happy about it
Fresh coconut water
A tiny alter
Elf shoe boys!
You need to use that camera more often!! Nice shots, really getting a feel of where you are at with these.